Rudyard Lake is located in Leek, Staffordshire and holds so much history since it was built in 1797 -1798.

The lake gave its name to Rudyard Kipling whose parents first met at a party by its shores, and they had such a particular love for it that they named their child after it.

This photograph was taken early on a Sunday morning when the Rowing Teams were having a practice on the 2 miles long stretch of water.

The Rudyard Minature Railway runs alongside the Lake and is as much a favourite with families as is it having fun hiring a rowing boat for a few hours.

The walk through the woodland is particularly beautiful, especially in the Spring as the Bluebells brighten up the lakeside banks, yet such a lovely walk at any time of the year.

With its easy access, a visitor centre and so many attractions, it is indeed worth a visit.



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